14 November 2012

Which one is the real one?


The idea is that it not be obvious which one is the real one.  If you know it, submit your answers and/or reasoning in the comments below.


  1. I'm going to guess the one on the left. The zipper-pull looks out of scale with the zipper. It seems a lot wider than it needs to be. Also, the pull tab is really thin, like it'd be easy to bend. I could be wrong though. shader wise, they both look awesome! nice job.

    1. Thanks, Matt! I applied your critique (you were absolutely right about the model), and I think it looks much more convincing.

  2. The one on the left. It took me a second though. The shader is awesome! Good Job!

    1. Thanks, Meredith! I'm glad I could make you look twice! ;-)

  3. you had me fooled there at first... but then i saw the second one... specularity of the bump displacement on the real one confirmed it for me. but this is CLOSE! makes my project look like poop.

    1. I should try to fix that specularity thing with the displacement. Thanks for that suggestion!

      And no, yours does not look like poop! jajaja!

  4. I think the one that has more shadows is real. For me it is the top, but I could see it being left (appearing 1st) when you are not viewing on a phone. :P

    1. jajaja! yeah! Phones can make things appear different from how they are, but it was good enough for you to see the differences! Thanks Katie.

  5. The one on the right is the real one. The zipper teeth are too small for the zipper body on the left. The texture in the recessed tab looks to uniform and there is more natural looking wear patterns on the one on the right. Very nicely done!

    1. Very astute my friend! VERY astute!

      Thank you. I'll have to look into that wear pattern and see if I can't get it to look better.

  6. jajaja! I guess it's easier to tell than I had hoped. Yeah, there are some model problems. Maybe I'll go in and fix that sometime and get a nicer effect :-)

  7. This is DANG good. After looking at it for about 5 min. I'm pretty sure it's the one on the left. I think it's the angle of the little zipper handle piece that gives it away... but if you were to just show me that picture alone, I wouldn't be able to tell. Good job.

    1. Thanks Chris. I may try to tweak that later on, so we'll see if I can't make it more convincing. Thanks a ton!

  8. I would say the left one but its hard to say.

    1. Yup! The one on the left is the digital one :-) Good eye, David!

  9. Even though I've read through all the comments to see what others said, I think that the one on the right is the real one because of reasons that people have already mentioned (the zipper head on the left has kind of an odd, almost rounded shape while the one on the right has more of an arrow-like shape). It was actually REALLY tough for me to tell in the beginning! D8. I almost think there's a little bit of noise happening overall in the metal of the zipper head on the right-hand-side-picture. I could just be seeing things though...^^;. Super good job, I'm impressed!

    1. Jajajaja! Thanks, Ali! I guess I'll have to pay a bunch more attention next time I model something. Good eye for detail!

  10. Looks good, Stephen. If you add some more noise to the render then it will really help it to match the photo.

  11. The left one is fake! But it took me a few minutes. Really nice work! ;)

  12. Man, that blends in really well! Awesome job!
